How about Mitus Dental Clinic?

Mitusi’s beautiful teeth are very reliable
slash doctor dr.

Mitus Dental Clinic is very professional. The big brand of Mitus Dental Chain is trustworthy and has always been a leader in the domestic dental industry. Mitusi Dental Center ownsPatented technologies have been invented in many countries, and the trademark protection is very complete. The intellectual property rights are strong, and the R&D team is particularly powerful.

Mitusimei Dental Institute is the pioneer and leader of the tooth whitening industry in China. It is also a physical store nationwide, covering a wide range of physical and digital tooth whitening chain institutions in professional life.At present, there are 42 physical branches in the national chain offline. Mitus Dental Clinic has been focusing on developing corresponding technologies according to different needs to customize suitable smile solutions for customers in need.

proposed as domestic"Signed four guarantee agreements, installment service"and minority ownedA lifestyle dental beauty institution with independent intellectual property rights for dental beauty technology, has always been based on integrity, specializing in technology, dedicated service, always serving customers with a high level of indifference, and constantly exploring better solutions to accompany customers to start a more confident and beautiful life.

Moreover, Mitus Dental Institute is professionalPatented technology training, free recurrent training, with "technology as the core and entrepreneurship as the added value"Provide opportunities for the public to create and realize beautiful dreams, and help entrepreneurs who dare to work hard to realize their entrepreneurial dreams.

Mitus Headquarters owns the "Mitus Beauty Dental Center" national lifestyle dental beauty service chain brand and other sub-brands.Up to now, there have been 42 franchised physical stores across the country, more than 5,000 technical franchisees, and more than 10,000 member customers. Adhering to the concept of "quality service, integrity management", insisting on relying on offline stores, with the help of core patented technology, to create a well-known brand in the industry, aiming to provide customers with one-stop teeth whitening services.At present, it provides related daily chemical wholesale, daily dental beauty, patented technology training, national chain investment and franchise services to the market.

1. Service advantages:

(1) Sign 4 guarantee agreements:The "Service Guarantee Agreement" guarantees the rights and interests of customers; the "Transparent Charging Commitment" and other four major agreements.

(2) Exclusive installment service:Be beautiful first, pay later, reduce stress, become beautiful and worry-free.

(3) Enjoy customized services:One-on-one exclusive service, and considerate return visits later to remind you of all matters needing attention.

2. Technical advantages:

(1) More than 7 core patented technologies:

A digital veneer of composite layers, a non-invasive whitening and bonding technique based on bridge veneers, a method of using porcelain block restoration materials for physical non-invasive cosmetic whitening of teeth, a method of manual covering with digital materials A method for physical non-invasive cosmetic whitening of teeth, a convenient, fast and efficient discharge and removal of digital material container devices, a new type of mouth-gauge device for daily life, a non-invasive tooth whitening device for daily life, etc.

(2) Physical non-invasive non-invasive patented technology

Mitusimei tooth management is a physical whitening. It uses digital nanometer or porcelain restorations and auxiliary consumables directly or indirectly under the condition of not grinding teeth to maintain healthy teeth. By using the standard operating procedures in the patented technology project Engraving, repairing, beautifying, and color matching on the surface of the teeth can make the shape and color of the teeth natural and textured, achieve the effect of whitening and repairing, enhance the charm of the personal image, and increase the inner self-confidence of the individual.

(3) Eight major advantages of effect guarantee:

Contract signing service, nationwide joint guarantee, transparent charging, safety and health, natural beauty, protection of abutment teeth, optional color, high cost performance

3. National Unified Brand VI:

Unified visual identity for stores across the country: asset-light decoration, unified style.

The more successful an enterprise is, the more it pays attention to brand VI.Mitus VI is the result of visualizing and visualizing the inner core and market positioning of the enterprise by means of graphic design and other techniques under the guidance of the company's business philosophy. The most direct and commonly used information platform for the distinction, connection and communication between environmental and social environments. What the company does is not only to be good to the body and mind, but also to cherish the opportunity to catch the eyes of every consumer through standardized visual recognition. The brand VI deepens consumers' first good impression of the company, and it is Mitus' long-term development. Forget the determination to forge ahead with you.

4. Complete intellectual property rights - protecting the rights and interests of franchisees

1. 7+ pieces of core patented technologies—National Patent Office

2. 50+ pieces of trademark registration and protection - State Trademark Office

3. Computer software copyright 20+ pieces—China Copyright Protection Center

4. 20+ pieces of brand copyright protection—China Copyright Protection Center

5. 2 core periodicals—national periodicals

(1) "The Rise of Emerging Industries—Practice and Application of Non-invasive Teeth Beauty in Lifestyle Beauty"

"Life and Health" Supervising Unit: Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China, Sponsor: People's Medical Publishing House

(2) "Humanistic Concepts, Modern Lifestyle, The Key to the Improvement of Teeth Beauty and Teeth Technology Service Industry"

"Teaching and Research" Supervising Unit: Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China; Sponsor: Renmin University of China

6. The importance of intellectual property rights as intangible assets

Intellectual property innovation is the first driving force for development. Protecting intellectual property is protecting innovation, and it is also a manifestation of the soft power of the enterprise. We always adhere to the concept of "integrity-based, innovation-based", and it also reflects the trust and choice of every rice Tusi's customers, franchisees, regional managers and other responsible determination.

Intellectual property strategy is part of Mitus Meiya brand strategy, and it is one of the core competitiveness of the enterprise.

With the continuous acceleration of my country's reform and opening up, especially after joining the WTO, intellectual property rights have become a threshold that companies cannot bypass in domestic and foreign market competition. The quality of employees has improved, and management innovation is gradually changing.

Long-term sustainable development must lay a solid foundation in order to build higher and stronger buildings and win the praise and trust of the "owners". Never build "unfinished buildings" and never deceive the "owners". This The foundation is "intellectual property protection".

In fact, it is not that other peers ignore the protection of intellectual property rights, nor do they doubt the importance of intellectual property rights. The most important thing is the lack of technological innovation capabilities, lack of technical research and development teams, and lack of large capital investment.

At present, the blue ocean market still needs a guide. Mitus has been working hard to create a new ecology of the cosmetic dental industry and establish a benchmark for industry technology and quality. It is also recommended that you must start with intellectual property rights (invention patents) when choosing any brand. , trademarks, works, copyrights, journals, academic achievements) directly reflects the company's determination to develop long-term and be responsible.

5. UK MTS CO, LTD and mainland China formulate strategic partners

Designated strategic partner in mainland China; providing experience support for advanced technology products. In February 2020, Mitus and the British MTS Group Co., Ltd. reached an agreement on strategic cooperation; to provide domestic partners with high-quality professional technical products and services, optimize the domestic market environment for cosmetic teeth, and let all partners regain their confidence and smile, and go to the beautiful together.

6. Complete qualifications:The national industrial and commercial system can be checked—

National 3.15 Integrity Enterprise, Excellent Enterprise with No Complaints in Integrity, National Brand Popular with Consumers, AAA Enterprise in Quality, Service and Integrity, National Famous Enterprise in Professional Beauty and Dental Technology Service, National Security System Reassuringly Authorized Dental Brand, National Life Beauty The designated brand of tooth care, the national influential non-invasive tooth beauty technology training brand, the national product quality is excellent - the reputation guarantee brand, the national non-medical cosmetic tooth beauty technology standard demonstration enterprise, the national life beauty tooth beauty preferred franchise chain brand

7. Large-scale activities (not listed one by one)

(1) Celebrities help a beautiful public welfare publicity shooting

(2) The National Health Industry Summit Forum was invited to attend the scene

(3)’s charity trip report warms the hearts of thousands of families in action

On November 28, 2020, the Professional Committee of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Health Preservation teamed up with Mitus to organize and launch the "Healthy You, Me, and Others, Warm the Hearts of Thousands of Families, We Are in Action", a large-scale national public welfare activity and health science popularization activity.

(4) reports help the promotion and application of emerging industries

On November 18, 2022, the leader of the State Council Information Office, China Foreign Languages ​​Publishing and Distribution, and China Net, a key national news website managed by the Business Bureau, reported on the patented technology of non-invasive teeth whitening. This emerging industry that provides people with health, fashion and beauty is rapidly integrating into our in daily life.

(5) Invited to participate in the presentation of outstanding emerging enterprises

Do business in a down-to-earth manner and serve every customer seriously! Smile, start with Mitus!

8. Mitus Business School

(1) Comprehensive curriculum system

(2) On-site simulation drills

(3) After-school remote guidance

(4) Online Consolidation Training

(5) Free lifelong retraining

9. Global Franchise

Technical and marketing training courses; provision of learning places; provision of learning equipment; decentralization of investment promotion; unified quality assurance, etc. (want to know more about V [mtsmyylulu])

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